Hey guys, I wanted to share more photos with you all. This time not about biking, solely that is.
With Day Light Savings time, the sun goes down here in Florida around 6ish. Which is not terribly early but early enough that you start feeling like sleeping when the sun goes down ;) I have to get some bike clothes for colder temps and that are reflective. The trail can be a dangerous place. There are stories often enough about people being attacked. So, I should probably get some kind of light for my bike as well.
Look pup has to stay on the kitchen counter cause the dogs keep trying to steal him thinking that any stuffed animal is their stuffed animal!!! :D (For those of you who don’t know. Juande and Spoonch gave me this pup for my Bday one year when I was complaining about how much I wanted a dog. This was my dog in the CZ. Very easy to take care of!!!)

We went up to our property in North Florida (It’s inherited property which my mom is attempting to sell. So it’s not really ours for long, unless one of us buys it) But there isn’t any electricity, so we had to cook out on the fire and this is my attempt at breakfast. Eggs and some turkey sausage. It was actually pretty awesome. I was proud of myself for putting together something edible!!!
We basically went up there to give the dogs some room to run and play! Which they did until they were pooped!

There’s Sis breaking things up. They can get pretty rough with each other.
It was very nice up in North Florida; much colder than in our coastal area. Still flat as a pancake!
We hope to visit there again soon to let the dogs run and play and maybe we’ll be able to get some friends to brave the weekend in BFE.
I crochet a lot. I don’t know why I didn’t do it in the Czech Republic where I might actually use scarves and hats and whatnots….silly me!
So this is the beginning of a rose I did today.
And here is the finished product.
It’s actually supposed to look different but I didn’t like how it looked, so I changed it.
This is a scarf I made a couple weeks ago and it was supposed to have three rings to make something like a big loopy scarf that could also be a shawl. Well It didn’t work out so well, so I just wear the first part as a loose scarf. But I started making another version of the same scarf/shawl where it will be much bigger, only one section and button up on the edge. Now this pic is no where near finished but I wanted to share it with you all any how. As soon as Krys takes a pic of the legwarmers I made, I will share those as well. Those are really cute.
Oh! Happy 11.11.2011 everybody. Hope some pretty freaky stuff happens to you!!! :D
Thanks for reading!
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