Tuesday, November 1, 2011

As you can see...

....I'm a terrible poster. For one thing, I don't post enough and for another, my posts can be quite boring!!!

Someone's boring me. I think it's me.

Dylan Thomas (1914 - 1953), in Rayner Heppenstall, Four Absentees (1960)
(Obviously Dylan Thomas didn't work where I work :P)

Moving on, as some of you might know, I've been riding my bike home from work a few times a week. It usually works out to only one (which isn't a few) but I have the intention of much more. Unfortunately, it is not always up to me.

The bike ride home is something like 17 miles. Wait I will check google!

Yep, 17.3....

Today I will be doing my 4th attempt.
My first attempt didn't go so well. I only made it 11 miles in 2 hours!!! Turns out my tires were kinda flat.

My second attempt was much better. It went by quick and I made it all the way home. I made it into Gulfport in about and 1:45. Maybe a tiny bit less cause I had to stop and put air in my tires and then I walked the bike for a while cause my feet cramped up! :P But my goal was accomplished. At that moment I knew I could ride 17 miles home from work.

Attempt number 3....I made it home but it was hard. I think this trip was 4 days after the last one and I was tired. But I made it home in two hours, so that was good.

The red blob is apporximately where my house is and my work is all the way at the top of the red line.

Anyhow, my goal is to do it almost every day (everyday seems almost too much)

I'll up date you on everything tomorrow.

Thanks for reading. Elaine



Unknown said...

Hi Elaine,

I'm very glad to be reading this. I didn't expect you to get on a bike like this and go to work on it :)

I think it's healthy for your mind and body.
Is the trail much nicer than what you'd get here in Brno?

Keep it up!
And if you start hesitating about your capability to carry on biking, ask me and Kyle for reassurance that it matters to us that you continue with this!
I bike quite often these days as well, finally on a recumbent :)

Martin J., Brno

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement.

The trail is paved....check out http://waywardgirlgoeshome.blogspot.com/2011/09/bike-ride-in-florida.html it shows more pics of an earlier ride I did. But yeah, it's paved and well maintained but there are some nice trails in Brno, too.

now that it's darker earlier my problem is that I need to get some lights for my bike. I also need to invest in some other things, like a more comfortable seat!!!! :) Thanks for reading!

Unknown said...

That's really nice that's there a trail convenient to work. I would bike more but traffic is so heavy in LA, the bikes really do make things worse unless they're on a trail (picture 100 cars behind a bike in a turning lane). FL is almost the perfect landscape for it too (nice and flat) and the weather's not too hot until the summer. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Sideeffex- There aren't any bike lanes in LA? Cars do make biking much scarier. The other day, I saw a woman in a Mercedes or BMW, hit a motorcyclist. Luckily, he wasn't injured severely.

Anyhow, urban cycling is really tricky and making drivers aware of the fact that they have to share the road is an obstacle for bike riders. Good luck in LA!!!