Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A bike ride in Florida

I should've called this blog 'An UnEmployed Girls' Ride Home' cause if I really wanted to tell you all about my adventures, I'd be whining about being unemployed all the time and you guys would wanna kill me.

So, instead I will map out my bike ride today for you all. I don't go crazy far. I don't go crazy fast (almost impossible on a cruiser!) but it's fun. Especially with my headphones on.
The yellow highlighted area is what I biked today.
Which really isn't that far but got me sweaty enough!

The Pinellas Trail

Look how bright the sun is!!! The time was about 6 or 6:30.
 I got home around 7:30. All in all, my trip was only an hour.

I decided to ride Sis's bike today. She has my comfy seat :)

I think it's more of the trail!!! LOL I'm going from Gulfport to I think near Tyrone.
I got to a Dillard's (part of a mall) and figured consumerism and peaceful biking don't mix! :P

The upcoming over pass (so the trail can go over a large street)...I did surprisingly well.
You all know how much I hate hills, mountains or anything that goes up. 

View from the overpass
(Now I know my camera is real shit but that sun is out of control!!!!!)

On the overpass

My biking shadow!

The Gulfport city trail

I need to stop and take pics!! Not ride and take pics....this is off the trail in my neighborhood, so that you know you're on the bike trail still.

The sun is finally going down!
It's pretty therapeutic to go out on your own.
I almost got hit by some guys in a truck but that was my fault. I was jamming to my music and wasn't paying attention! Other then that, there weren't any incidents.

Thanks for reading!!!

Happy Trails ....he he he

Today's bike ride was brought to you by :

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh, you crafty little bitch!

I've been kinda bored these last few weeks. Looking for a job is hard work but very depressing. I think I get down on myself cause I don't think I know what I am doing and it doesn't seem like anyone else knows either. Well, so, nevertheless I'm occupying myself this last week with Craft Gawker Where I've found some things to keep me occupied. Maybe a little tooooo occupied

The latest is funky braids to mix things up a bit. Plus, it's an instant fix on getting something accomplished. One of the reasons unemployed people get into an unemployed funk and then you never see them out of their pajamas for days on end is cause they feel like worthless pieces of poo. I'm doing my best not to get into the funk but it's hard when you feel as though you are trying and then no one wants you.

This is probably why I stayed so far away from blogging. It's difficult to be positive (even though a blog doesnt have to be happy)   :( Sadness...ok now onto some happiness.


This is a cascade braid that I did on my mom.

Waterfall Braid Tutorial

Im crocheting a blanket which I will share some pics with you all when I'm done.
It's just a simple double stitch. But the braid I did in my hair is too cute.

BTW: what you see happening in the background of the pic is a yard sale (In England they call them 'Boot Sales'. Where they open the trunk of their cars and sell the things they no longer want from the trunk of their cars.) Americans accumulate so much crap that we have to use our whole yard (garden). This was a yard sale that my step-sister had since her and her family are moving.

Thanks for reading, browsing...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Something I like

One thing everyone has in common the CZ is that they pirate everything. Movies, TV, music, etc. etc. But in the US the fear of being sued and/or fined has cowed most of us into not downloading from torrent sites.
So the answer to the downloading quandary is netflix.com. For less then 10 bucks a month (or 170kcs) or approximately 6 euros you can watch almost nay movie or tv on demand. Newer stuff you have to request the dvd and costs an extra few.
Needless to say, Im addicted to it.
Having the ability to watch pretty much anything I ever wanted to is like a mini-heaven. Right now, Im addicted to Medium.
Last week, I watched Harlan about one of the main directors of movie propaganda in Nazi Germany...I watched another nazi doc but I can't remember the name.

Anyways, if you can use netflix.com in your country give it a try.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One month in

I have to admit that when I first got here I felt strange....awkward...out of place. You would think that one couldn't feel out of place in their own home country but somehow I managed it.

I didn't understand people. People talked too fast or used phrases that I didn't know. How is this possible!?! English, Florida English, is my mother tongue. How is it possible that I can't even understand my own people. But there you have it.

I've felt awkward or distant in social situations. For one thing I've noticed people (sometimes) don't have real conversations. They ramble on with random words speaking nonsense! I've taken on the blank stare look and when asked questions, I have to admit my absent-mindedness. Not that I've ever minded admitting when I've gone retarded ;-)

Me and my sis got beach cruiser bikes.

Fixing my seat. It was so forward it could push you right off!!!

I'm always behind everyone! he he...I don't mind being slow. I mind when other people mind me being slow.

And just for fun, here are my new owl earrings that I got at a second hand shop in St Pete called Revolve Clothing Exchange

That's it for now. 
I'm still on the hunt for a job but as you can see by my almost constant use of Stumbleupon that I'm getting sidetracked sometimes. :-)

Have fun!