Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh, you crafty little bitch!

I've been kinda bored these last few weeks. Looking for a job is hard work but very depressing. I think I get down on myself cause I don't think I know what I am doing and it doesn't seem like anyone else knows either. Well, so, nevertheless I'm occupying myself this last week with Craft Gawker Where I've found some things to keep me occupied. Maybe a little tooooo occupied

The latest is funky braids to mix things up a bit. Plus, it's an instant fix on getting something accomplished. One of the reasons unemployed people get into an unemployed funk and then you never see them out of their pajamas for days on end is cause they feel like worthless pieces of poo. I'm doing my best not to get into the funk but it's hard when you feel as though you are trying and then no one wants you.

This is probably why I stayed so far away from blogging. It's difficult to be positive (even though a blog doesnt have to be happy)   :( Sadness...ok now onto some happiness.


This is a cascade braid that I did on my mom.

Waterfall Braid Tutorial

Im crocheting a blanket which I will share some pics with you all when I'm done.
It's just a simple double stitch. But the braid I did in my hair is too cute.

BTW: what you see happening in the background of the pic is a yard sale (In England they call them 'Boot Sales'. Where they open the trunk of their cars and sell the things they no longer want from the trunk of their cars.) Americans accumulate so much crap that we have to use our whole yard (garden). This was a yard sale that my step-sister had since her and her family are moving.

Thanks for reading, browsing...

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